Wednesday, April 20, 2011



This study is aimed at describing the implementation jigsaw in teaching
narrative text that can seen in student’s speaking ability and student’s
achievement. The result of the study is expected to contribute the teaching
learning speaking.
The study was implemented in SMP N 2 Ngadirojo, especially class XIII
C using an action research. The writer took 30 students as the subject of the
research. The result of the study shows that the students’ motivation improves.
The students accepted achievement improves that can be seen from the result of
post test. The students accepted and joined the Jigsaw implementation of Jigsaw
because they could follow the cooperative learning principles and Jigsaw
components well.
Meanwhile, to find the significant difference between students’
achievement before and after the action, the writer used group work result. The
result showed that the post - test is greater than pre - test. The result of pre - test is
26,77 and the result of post - test is 70,53, so the increased of the score is 43,76. It
means that there is significant difference of students’ achievement before and after
implementation. The students could do the post - test better than pre- test that
means the implementation jigsaw in teaching narrative text is successful to
improve students’ motivation to learn speaking English especially in narrative
Key Words: narrative text and jigsaw.

A. Background of the Study
Communication is one of essential needs for human being. Language is the
tool for communication which played an important role to reveal the intention to
somebody else. The language can be expressed in spoken and written form. There are
some elements in communication, such as speaker, hearer, and the media that are
used in communication.
Speaking is the most important skill, because one of the keys in English
communication is speaking ability. If the students are speaking English very fluently,
they can carry out conversation with others, give ideas and exchange the information.
English language is not only taught and learned, but also it is used as a
habit. Today, English is not only taught in big cities but also in villages. English
speaking is taught in all junior high schools in Indonesia. The students should be
taught how to speak. The aspects of the English speaking skill that should be given
and studied in English speaking class are pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar,
fluency, accuracy, and comprehension.
As we know, there are many junior high schools which still use the
traditional technique in teaching speaking, teachers just give the materials and explain
them, then the teachers give example and give exercises. This is not an effective
technique because most of the students are bored and need much time to be able to
master English speaking especially in communication and conversation. So, the
researcher will use the other technique that can improve the student ability in English
speaking especially narrative text. One of the techniques is Jigsaw; it is focused in
group working that is able to build the students’ bravery and communication ability
with other people or friends. By using jigsaw the students can share, retell story or
discuss in English language in their groups and also give opinion or response to the
other students.
There are many problems in teaching speaking, especially in teaching
narrative text. First, it relates to the condition of the students who lack of vocabulary
that will take them unable to say word during speaking in the class. Second, most of
the students are not confident or shy to speak in front of the class. Third, the students
often use Javanese language in the class.
Those problems are faced by students in SMP N 2 Ngadirojo, sometimes the
teacher cannot control the class and the students always speak in Javanese language
in the class. The main problem is the way to manage the class during the teaching
learning; the teacher should make the students interested in material. It needs hard
work for getting the students attention and speaking ability.
In teaching speaking there are some principles of the teaching speaking. First
is helping students to overcome their initial reluctance to speak, encourage, provide
opportunity and start from something simple. Second is asking students to talk about
what they want to talk. Third is asking the students what they are able to talk. Fourth
is providing appropriate feedback. Fifth is combining speaking with listening and
speaking. The last is incorporating the teaching speaking of speech act in teaching
Based on the principle of jigsaw, Jigsaw has criteria as a technique to teach
speaking. The researcher and the English teacher in SMP 2 Ngadirojo tried to find the
solution by using jigsaw in teaching speaking because jigsaw is a cooperative
learning technique that reduces radical conflict among students, promote better
learning to improve students’ motivation, an increase enjoyment of learning
experience often using jigsaw. Beside that, this technique can build the student ability
to communicate and share their opinion. If they feel shy or not confident to share
their opinion or ask the question to the teacher, the students can ask question and
share with their friends who are cleverer than the others in a group. This technique
focuses in group work; working in group is believed to solve the problems. The
students who can speak in a large class will be more comfortable and can speak in
smaller group. Group member can complete each other’s strengths and weaknesses in
English. Each student has a different background and ability in speaking English. The
writer hopes that that technique can be a relevant technique to give solution to the
problem of speaking skill especially in speaking narrative text.
From the above explanation, the writer would like to specify her research
especially in teaching narrative text by using jigsaw. Using jigsaw the teacher is able
to motivate the learner and the writer is interested in doing a research about The
Implementation of Jigsaw in Teaching Narrative Text at the Second Year of SMP N 2
B. Problem Statement
In this research, the researcher states following problems:
1.How is the implementation of jigsaw in teaching narrative text at the second year
of SMP N 2 Ngadirojo?
2.Does jigsaw improve speaking ability especially in narrative text at the second
year of SMP N 2 Ngadirojo?
C. Limitation of the Study
The researcher focuses on process and result of implementation of jigsaw
in teaching narrative text at the second year of SMP N 2 Ngadirojo in 2009/2010
Academic year.
D. Objective of the Study
The objectives of this study are:
1.To describe the implementation of jigsaw in teaching narrative text in SMP N 2
2.To describe whether jigsaw can improve the students’ speaking ability especially
in narrative text.
E. Benefit of the Study
The benefits of this study are:
1.Theoretical Benefit
a. The result of the research can be used as an input in teaching learning
process especially in speaking skill.
b. The result of the research can be used reference for those who want to
conduct a research in teaching speaking.
2.Practical Benefit
a. The students are motivated in mastering speaking skill and good
b. This study can be used by the teacher to provide the better technique or
method for teaching speaking in Junior High School.
F. Research Paper Organization
The writer organizes this research paper in order to make the readers
easily understand the research paper. The following shows the content covered in this
research paper.
Chapter I is introduction. This chapter explains the background of the
study, problem statement, limitation of the study, objective of the study, benefit of the
study, and research paper organization.
Chapter II presents review of related literature. It covers previous
study, notion of teaching, notion of teaching speaking, and technique for teaching
speaking, theoretical framework, action hypothesis, theoretical framework.
Chapter III presents research method. It covers type of the research,
research procedure, subject of the study, object of the study, data and data source,
method of collecting data, and technique for analyzing data.
Chapter IV presents the result of the study and discussion.
Chapter V deals with conclusion and suggestion.

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