Sunday, April 24, 2011


The objective of the research is to describe the implementation of Genre-Based Approach (GBA) in the teaching of English. Besides, it was also conducted to study the procedures of the process of teaching English using genre-based approach, the activities used in teaching English applying genre-based approach, the problems in implementing of GBA, and the way used by the teachers to overcome the problem in implementing the GBA in the process of teaching English. The data of this research are information taken from several techniques including non-participant observation, in-depth interviewing, and document analysis. In analyzing the data, the researcher conducted reducing the data, displaying the data, concluding and verifying. The results compiled from the implementation collected shows as follows: firstly, the application of GBA which is viewed from six dimensions which appear from the research, the objectives, the model of syllabus, the function of genre-based in teaching and learning activities, students and teachers roles in the teaching and learning activities. Secondly, the procedure in the teaching and learning using GBA is taking three steps: opening, implementation, and closing. Thirdly, the activities of teaching English are using curriculum cycle: BKOF, MOT, JCOT, and ICOT. Fourthly, this research also shows that although this approach has good influence to development the teachers and the students’ competency, there are some difficulties the teachers face in the teaching and learning activity, such as: the understanding of GBA, and the mastery of Type of Text. The research finding of this study indicates that the implementation of GBA in the teaching of English in SMP Negeri 5 Sragen gives a good contribution to the improvement of the students’ language proficiency.

A. Background of the Study
Teaching English as a foreign language in junior high schools is aimed at
providing the students to achieve communicative competence in skills such as
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Junior High school curriculum sees English
as a tool to communicate orally and in written form. Mulyono (2008: 2) states that
“communication is regarded to understand and express information, thought, and
feeling and to develop sciences”. This means integrated English communication is
expected to exhibit students’ competence to discourse which cover the ability to
understand and or produce particular text orally and or in written within the scopes of
four language skills; reading, speaking, listening and writing. In this sense, the
teaching and learning English as of primary school subjects is directed to develop
such above mentioned abilities that expected graduation would be able to
communicate discourse in English in particular literacy. Depdiknas (2003: 5) pointed
Bahasa diharapkan membantu siswa mengenal dirinya, budayanya, dan
budaya orang lain, mengemukakan gagasan dan perasaan,
berpartisipasi dalam masyarakat yang menggunakan bahasa tersebut,
membuat keputusan yang bertanggung jawab pada tingkat pribadi dan
sosial, menemukan serta menggunakan kemampuan-kemampuan analitis
dan imaginative yang ada dalam dirinya.

The competence in English language as a foreign language will help the
students to express ideas and feelings, and use the language in the society. They are
also expected to be able to make personal or social decision and have responsibility,
and make use the analytical and imaginative in his or herself.
The teaching of English has been adapted to the curriculum by which big
proportion of school hours given to the teaching and learning such this language has
been regarded to enabling students to have competence in skills of English including
reading, speaking, listening, and writing. In the teaching and learning English the
teachers’ task is to help the students achieve the communicative competence; teachers
are required to have professional competence in order to be able to teach English
Students’ participation is based on how the teacher tries to encourage them. It
means that the teacher should try to make use of appropriate teaching method in the
process of teaching and learning activities.
Educators try to adopt methods, approaches from western countries to make
the teaching of English as a foreign language communicable. One of the approaches
adopted now is Genre-based Approach. “Genre is seen as types of reading discourse
that covers the area of descriptive reading type, narrative, recount, spoof, exposition,
argumentative and some others” (Mulyono, 2008: 3). The use of genre is obvious in
the English curriculum especially for level of secondary school like junior high
school in Indonesia. When the teacher designs a task in a Genre-based Approach
course, s/he should create an appropriate environment which the task is called for. It
was used to make the process of teaching and learning activities of English
SMP Negeri 5 Sragen is one of the junior high schools which implemented
Genre-based Approach in the teaching and learning of English. It is being
implemented since 2004. Not all English teachers of junior high school apply this
approach in the teaching and learning of English. Some of the teachers have not
understood with this approach. They said that Genre is a new approach, and it is still
difficult to apply it in the teaching and learning of English.
The use of genre in language teaching and learning English is viewed to be
best alternative in providing room for both teachers and students to widely improve
the English teaching and learning practices in classroom environment. After the
writer does observation in the SMP Negeri 5 Sragen especially in VIIA Class, the
writer found that the use of Genre-based Approach is very effective for students
because the students can know the kinds of text. The students are able to make texts
from their imaginations that are suitable with their lesson.
The English teacher of SMP Negeri 5 Sragen in the implementing of genrebased
approach makes the students to actively participate in teaching learning. This is
could look of pre-observation from the writer.
The teacher AA asked the students to read the text entitled “My Timmy”, and
one of the students read the text, and other students to scrutinize. After reading the
text, the teacher asked the students to look for the difficult words and then the teacher
interpret those words. After that, the students identify the types of the text and the
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generic structure. “My Timmy” is a descriptive text. Descriptive text is one of the
kinds of genre that give in the junior high school. Descriptive text is a text to describe
a particular person, place, or thing. The generic structure is identification and
description. Identification is to identify phenomenon to be described, and description
is describes parts, qualities, characteristics of the person or something that is
described. After identifying the text, the teacher asked the students to complete the
text. Based on the statement above, the students can know the types of the text that
they read. The student can also write a descriptive text based on their experience. The
weakness of this class that the students cannot identify the generic structure of text
types very well.
Based on the statement and pre-observation above, the writer wants to
conduct her research entitled THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GENRE - BASED
B. Problem Statement
Based on the background above, the problems of this research can be
formulated as follows: How is the implementation of Genre-based Approach in the
process of teaching and learning English at SMP Negeri 5 Sragen.
To answer this research problem, the writer raises some subsidiary research
questions as follows:
1. What are the procedures of the process of teaching English using genrebased
2. What kinds of activities used in teaching English applying genre-based
3. What problems are faced by the teacher in the process of teaching English
using Genre-based approach?
4. How do the teachers overcome the problems in implementing the GBA in
the process of teaching English?
C. Objective of the Study
From the previous background and the problem statement, this study is aimed
to describe the implementation of Genre-based Approach in the process of teaching
and learning English at SMP Negeri 5 Sragen.
To answer this objective of the study, the writer raises some subsidiary
research questions as follows:
1. to describe the procedures in teaching and learning English using genre-based
2. to classify the kinds of activities in teaching and learning English especially
using genre-based approach.
3. to classify the problems are faced by the teacher in teaching and learning
English using genre-Based approach.
4. to describe how the teachers overcome the problems in implementing the
GBA in the process of teaching English.
D. Limitation of the Study
To make the research paper clearly understood by the readers, the writer
would like to limit the study as follows:
1. The subject of the study is limited to the English teacher and the first year
students especially VIIA class of SMP Negeri 5 Sragen.
2. The object of the study is limited to the result of the process of teaching
learning English by using Genre-based Approach.
E. Benefit of the Study
1. Theoretically
The benefit of this research is to give significant input to the theories of
teaching and learning English as a foreign language for the students, especially in the
process of teaching and learning activities.
2. Practically
This research will give understanding dealing with the implementation and its
influence, and the effectiveness of Genre-based Approach. Hopefully, it will become
a refection to the teachers in the process of teaching and learning activities, for the
researcher who is also an English teacher, she will have a direct experience and
understanding of the use or the implementation of Genre-based Approach in the
teaching English.
F. Research Paper Organization
This research paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter I is introduction
dealing with the background of the study, research problem, objective of the study,
limitation of the study, benefits of the study, and research paper organization.

Chapter II is review of related literature presents previous study, curriculums
in the teaching of English as a foreign language in Indonesia, the concept of Genrebased
Approach, the teaching of English using Genre-based Approach, teachers’
competence required to the implementation of Genre-based Approach.

Chapter III is research method that consists of type of the research, object of
the research, data and data source, method of collecting data, technique of analyzing

Chapter IV is research finding and discussion. The research finding focuses
on the implementation of Genre-based Approach in the process of teaching and
learning English at SMP Negeri 5 Sragen, the procedure of the process of teaching
English using genre-based approach, the activities that used in the teaching of English
applying Genre-based Approach, the problems in implementing the Genre-based
Approach, the teachers overcome the problems in implementing the GBA in the
process of teaching English.

Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion that is followed by bibliography and
appendix at the end of the research paper.

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