Tuesday, April 19, 2011



The research aims at describing the teacher’s feedback in teaching
pronunciation and to know the students responses. The result of this study
hopefully gives contribution to teaching- learning English especially in teaching
This research was carried out at SD N Pabelan 03, Kartasura, especially at
the fifth year. To collect the required data, the researcher took all elements of
teaching- learning process committed by the teacher, the students and the other
sources such as book, syllabus, etc. The methods of collecting data are interview,
observation, and documentation.
The result of research is that the teacher’s feedback has motivated the
students to correct their pronunciation. The teacher gives the students the correct
pronunciation so that the students can repeat it correctly. In SD N Pabelan 3
Kartasura the teacher emphasizes the instruction using imperative and practical
way. Thus the student’s response enthusiastically to follow the lesson. In addition
the teacher gave much attention to students who fell unmotivated.

A. Background of the Study
Nowadays, students are required to study English at elementary
school even kindergarten in order to make them acquire the basic English
skills. There is a belief that children learn languages faster than
adolescents and adult do (Harmer: 2001, p 37).
Teaching and learning process in English class especially for
elementary students requires some special attention. Considering that
English is just a foreign language and the students themselves are still
young learners, teacher should be more conscious on the student
development and in the interaction between teacher and students during
language learning.
As young learners who are still on the psychological and cognitive
development, they are so conscious about everything. However, at their
age they also have unstable emotion. That is why the teacher plays an
important role in order to create an effective language class.
Pronunciation mastery in language learning is a basic need to reach
a good achievement of the target language. Pronunciation is one of the
language components. Besides, pronunciation is stressed more on the way
sounds are perceived by the learner. Based on the definition, pronouncing
English word correctly is very important for those who want to be able to
speak English accurately and correctly.
Based on the children characteristics, the teacher should try to
introduce English language especially teaching pronunciation as an
interesting subject for them. The teacher should create an interesting and
joyful atmosphere in the learning activities. For children, they can better
understand about thing when they experience it themselves.
Pronunciation is one of the three components of language, together
with grammar and vocabulary. It plays an important part in listening and
speaking skill, so developing students’ pronunciation is one of the most
important tasks for English teachers.
Actually, every foreign language teacher will find out the errors
made by students both oral and written form and the students can be said
to make errors when the production of their oral or written expression
differs from the native speaker or target language’s norms.
Mistakes in pronunciation are sometimes natural and tend to occur
frequently. Therefore, the teachers must try their best to avoid the mistakes
made by the students without discouraging them. The teachers also need to
provide the effective correction to relate to their pronunciation in order to
enable the students to construct the sentences with appropriate language
form. As stated by Selingker (1992: 119), the self correction of errors is
indeed necessary and the teacher can serve an important function here. The
students need a teacher to make them aware of their mistakes. It means
that the teacher’s duty is to evaluate or asses the student’s work including
giving correction or organizing feedback (Harmer, 1991: 237).
Even though feedback is vital for the learning process, teacher
should be careful and wise in delivering feedback since feedback has
positive and negative effects. McArthur (1983: 106) states that the
students can be motivated to learn a language if they are given
“appropriate feedback”. On the other hand, the students can be very
discouraged if they are given “inappropriate feedback”. Hence, teachers
have to know well what kind of mistakes or errors that should be given
feedback, when and how they should give the feedback.
Based on the information from the English teacher in SDN 3
PABELAN, the students still have many mistakes during the process of
learning language because the subject is new for them. The students are
very enthusiastic when they are given feedback from their teacher, because
commonly, the students are early ages, have big curiosity to know the
correct answer.
Realizing the importance and the peril of feedback for the student
especially elementary students as young learners, the writer is interested in
analyzing feedback used by the teacher at SDN 3 PABELAN
KARTASURA by observing his English classes.
B. Statement of the Problem
This study tries to describe feedback provided by the English
teacher at SDN 3 Pabelan Kartasura by answering these questions:
1. How does the teacher treat the students’ pronunciation?
2. What kinds of feedback does the teacher give?
3. How do the students react to the teachers’ pronunciation treatment?
C. Objectives of the Study
This study is aimed at describing:
1. the teachers’ effort in correcting language mistake made by the
2. kinds of feedback the teacher given both in English and Indonesian
3. the students reaction to the teacher’s feedback
D. Limitation of the Study
The analysis of this study was limited to the discussion of the
feedback toward the students’ pronunciation used by the teacher at SDN 3
Pabelan, Kartasura.
E. Significance of the Study
The results of this study were expected to evoke the teachers’
awareness about the importance of teachers’ feedback in correcting the
student’s pronunciation in order to improve their Basic English skill.
F. Research Paper Organization
The outline of the paper is arranged systematically. This research
paper organization can be arranged as follows:
Chapter I is introduction which presents background of the study,
problem statement, problem limitation, and objective of the study and
benefit of the study.
Chapter II discusses review of related literature which contains
previous study, the underlying theory that covers definition of
pronunciation, feedback, and the kinds of feedback.
Chapter III is discusses the research method that covers type of
research, object of the study, data and data sources, method of data
collection, and technique for analyzing data.
Chapter IV is discusses the research finding and the result of the
research finding.
Chapter V is discusses conclusion and suggestion.

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