Thursday, April 21, 2011


Astuti, Suwening Widhy (2009)

The major problem of this study is to reveal how the needs for love and belongingness reflected in Casanova movie directed by Lasse Hallstrom. The objectives of the study are to analyze the movie based on its structural elements and on the humanistic psychology analysis. In analyzing the movie, the researcher uses qualitative study. There are two kinds of data source, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data is the movie of Casanova, while the secondary data is any literature related with this study. The writer collects the data from both primary and secondary data sources by using library research. The technique of data analysis is descriptive technique. The results of the research show that: First, structural elements of Casanova movie built good production. Second, Casanova movie describes the needs for love and belongingness of Giacomo Casanova as major character. Third, Casanova is a playboy, but he must take a wife and he must be faithful to her.

A. Background of the Study
Casanova movie is directed by Lasse Hallstrom and written by Jeffrey
Hatcher and Kimberly Simi. Distributed by Mark Gordon Productions, Walt
Disney Pictures, Buena. The producers in this movie are Mark Gordon, Leslie
Holleran, and Betsy Beers. The running time of Casanova movie is around 111
minutes. The release date of this movie was in 25 December, 2005. Genres of this
movie are Adventure, Comedy, Drama, and Romance. And this movie played by
Heath Ledger (Casanova), Jeremy Iron (Pucci), Sienna Miller (Fransesca), Lena
Olin (Lady Bruni), Oliver Platt (Papprizio) and more.
Casanova movie tells about histories of notorious playboy named
Giacomo Casanova. In Venice (1753) Giacomo Casanova is a notorious playboy.
One day he was caught leaving the bedroom of a novice nun, and one of the
leading prosecutors the inquisition, Pucci put him in the court. The Dago, a
political man who is Casanova’s friend, allow Casanova remain to stay in the city
, but with one condition, he must take a wife who has good personality and he also
must faithful with her. After that everyday Casanova has struggle to get a woman
who has good personality. When saw Victoria, a young maiden, he falling in love
with her. But to get Victoria, Casanova challenged to duel with Giovanni Bruni, a
young man who is very much in love with Victoria. However, when Casanova is
bested in swords in the challenge, he discovers that actually he parrying with
Giovanni's sister, Francesca. Fransesca is a woman who is writing of a
philosopher whose books espouse a woman's perspective. After discover
Fransesca, Casanova he comes to the realization that she's the woman he wants to
take to be his wife.
There are many responses toward Casanova Movie, there are which is
pros and there are also which is contra. First is a pros response about Casanova
movie. Some of example of pros response about Casanova movie is: Writer Cb
from United States (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0402894/usercomments) said “It
was funnier than I thought; but the humor was not all that made this movie
The other example is from screenwriter (http://www.imbd.com/title/tt0402894/usercomment)
in United “CASANOVA States is a delightful comedy and farce with a tremendous cast of very talented actors. Heath
Ledger is a wonderful and witty CASANOVA, Sienna Miller delivers a delicious
performance, and Jeremy Irons, Oliver Platt and Lena Olin all add to the
humorous plot and story.”
78340) give comment that Casanova movie is “Well-acted and well-paced,
Casanova is a truly fun movie!”. After saw some of pros responses above we can
taking conclusion that many spectators who like watch Casanova movie because
Casanova movie is funny and humor. This movie is not seriously movies. Beside
that the character in this movie is wonderful.
The second response is cons about Casanova movie. Shopaholic_Man
said “Casanova I nearly fell asleep at the beginning of this period piece set in 18th
Century Venice, Italy, but I did wake up when the film started to move along (the
film is often tedious).”
dacoment) “Casanova is a fun romp when you’re in the mood for one, and
probably tedious otherwise.”. According cons responses above can be take
conclusion that beside many people who like watch Casanova movie, there are
also who doesn’t so like this movie because they think that sometime this movie is
very boring.
In 2005-2006 Casanova movie became box office, because this movie
was very best seller in the market and the box office total was $11,193,738. In
2006 this movie was got awards from Central Ohio Film Critics Association, the
awards is COFCA Award with the category is Actor of the Year Heath Ledger
Also for The Brothers Grimm (2005), Brokeback Mountain (2005) and Lords of
Dogtown (2005). From Motion Picture Sound Editors, USA and the name of
awards is Golden Reel Award with the category as Best Sound Editing in Feature
Film Music Roy Prendergast (music editor) and Jamie Lowry (music editor). And
this movie also as nomination in Golden Trailer Awards with the category “Best
There are four points that make this movie interesting. First point is
character and characterization. Giacomo Casanova played by Heath Ledger who is
handsome and he is perfect cast for act as Casanova. Casanova movie tells about
life of notorious playboy named Casanova who as major character. He is waiting
for true love after he never got love from his parents, because his father was dying
when he was 8 and his actress mother abandoned him to the care of his
grandmother while she traveled to London to perform. Beside he never got love
from his parents, he also will free from punishment with one condition he must
take a wife and he must marry with a woman who has good character and remain
faithful to her. And he finds his true love in Francesca.
Second, plot of this movie. In the 18th century, in Venice, Casanova is a
famous playboy and he was caught leaving when he in the bedroom of a recent
nun. The Doge, the ruler of the city, is sympathetic to Casanova, but cannot be too
gentle, to avoid trouble with the church. He claims to Casanova that he must
marry or leave the city. Casanova is in love with Francesca. But her mother forces
her to marry Paprizzio, a rich man from Genoa, whom she has never seen. When
Paprizzio arrives in Venice to meet with Fransesca, Casanova lies to him that the
hotel that he booked is closed, and invite him stay at his house. While Paprizzio,
preparing to visit Francesca, Casanova visits Francesca, and pretending become
Paprizzio. Later he admits to her that really and it makes her angry. Casanova is
caught for crimes against sexual morality. He protects Francesca by pretending to
be the author of the feminist books, which affect her very much. However, the
truth comes out and both are punished death. In the time, when they are will be
suspended at the city square, they are saved by a disguise announcement that the
Pope, because of his birthday, gives amnesty to all prisoners which were planned
to be executed on the day.
Third, property and custom also interesting point from Casanova movie.
Because this story was happened in 18th century, so the property and custom that
used in this movie still in the style of 18 th century, appropriate with that region.
For example, this movie still used horse and boat as transportation equipment.
Beside that, cart also used to support the story of this movie. There is no car or
motorcycle that using in this movie. When Casanova fought with Francesca and
her young brother, they used horse and also used sword as instrument that they
used to fought. Custom that wearing the actors still 18th century. The actors was
wearing shirt with vest and he always wearing boot, and to nobility wearing vault.
They have long hair that always bundled. And the actress wearing long dress with
curly hair that always hang loosely.
The last of interesting from this movie is the needs for love and
belongingness in the character of this movie. The character of Giacomo Casanova
is very dominant in the story. From beginning until ending always tell about
Casanova’s conflict. Needs for love and belongingness is applied by Casanova in
the story of this movie. When Casanova was barely a year old, her mother has
gone away and leave Casanova, and he stayed with his grandmother. Since his
mother was leave Casanova never gets love from his parent, because his father
was dying when he was 8. Because of that making Casanova lost his identity,
Casanova's search for an identity of his own was a preoccupation, and admitting
he was the son of a pair of actors never got him far. Casanova also needs love and
to be loved from others.
After understanding about Casanova movie, there is one point that we
must know. There are some reasons that make someone become playboy. One of
the reason is someone become playboy because they want to love and be loved
and paid attention from someone. In daily life a person needs to love and be loved
are sexually and non sexually by others. In the absence of those elements, many
people become feel loneliness, social anxiety, and depression. Because human
beings are born with the potential to love and be loved and they can not live
without love and relationship with others.
Considering the explanation and the fact above the writer is interested in
analyzing the needs for love and belongingness of Giacomo Casanova as the main
B. Previous Study
Many students of English department have ever studied the humanistic
perspective analysis as a research problem. But, for the title Casanova never
studied by the students of English Department of Muhammadiyah University of
Surakarta, so the writer cannot make the comparison with the other researcher
because this research is the first study.
C. Problem Statement
Based on the title and background of the study, the writer formulates the
problem as follows, “How a needs for love and belongingness in the character of
Giacomo Casanova in Casanova movie (a humanistic psychological approach)”?
D. Limitation of the Study
The writer focuses on analyzing needs for love and belongingness of
Giacomo Casanova as main characters man in Casanova movie.
E. Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are to analyze:
1. The Structural Element of Casanova Movie.
2. The character of Giacomo Casanova in Casanova movie based on humanistic
psychological perspective.
F. Benefit of the Study
The study is expected to give benefits as follows:
1. Theoretical Benefit: to give some contribution on understanding of Casanova
movie by a humanistic psychological approach.
2. Practical Benefit: To improve the researcher’s understanding and competence
in applying a humanistic psychological approach into literature.
G. Object of the Study
The object of this study is the needs for love and belongingness in the
character of Giacomo Casanova in the Casanova movie in humanistic
psychological approach.
H. Research Method
1. Type of Study
Type of the study is qualitative method besides book and other related
references to support the subject matter. Qualitative research is a type of
scientific research.
2. Type of Data and Data Source
The researches here uses qualitative. This is a library research, which
takes the source of the data from screenplay. The writer divides the data
source into two categories:
a. A Primary data source of the study is the Casanova movie.
b. Secondary data source are from the book, website and another data related
to this story and analysis.
3. Technique of Data Collection
The data collection is done through documentation or library research
some steps of collecting data are:
a. Watching the movie and reading the secondary data attentively.
b. Determining the major character that is analyzed.
c. Finding out and taking notes the important data.
d. Developing the provided data.
4. Technique of Data Analysis
The technique of data analysis used in this study is qualitative analysis.
The structural elements of the movie and the collected data are described and
analyzed in the detail through psychological approach, especially is a
humanistic psychological approach.
I. Research Paper Organization
To make the reader easy to this research, the writer uses the
organizational study as follows: Chapter I is introduction: this chapter involves
background of the study, problem statement, limitation of the study, objective of
the study, benefit of the study, research method and research organization.
Chapter II is underlying theory: this chapter deals with the notion of Humanistic
Psychology, the major of Humanistic Psychology, structural element of movie and
theoretical application. Chapter III is structural analysis, this chapter deals with
the structural analysis of the short Casanova movie. Chapter IV is humanistic
psychology analysis, this chapter explains the humanistic analysis of the
Casanova movie. Chapter V is conclusion and suggestion.

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