Sunday, April 24, 2011



This study aims at describing the process of teaching speaking using multidirectional information gap with jigsaw activities, describing the effectiveness of teaching speaking using multidirectional information gap with jigsaw activities viewed from the students’ achievement, and describing the students’ response related to the teaching speaking using multidirectional information gap with jigsaw activities. The researcher applies classroom action research as the type of research. The data of this research are field note, interview script, and the scores of pre-test, and post-test. She uses observation, interview and document for collecting the data. The techniques of analyzing data are reducing, displaying or presenting the data and verifying the data. The action was conducted in three cycles and the result of the study shows that: 1) the implementation of multidirectional information gap with jigsaw activities consist of activities covering grouping students into expert group and jigsaw groups discussing the topic. After that the expert group and the jigsaw group exchange the group. The expert group joins the other jigsaw groups to re-explain the topic and after that they go back to their own group. 2) Teaching speaking using multidirectional information gap with jigsaw activities improves the students speaking ability in SMP N 1 Susukan. It is indicated by the improvement of the students speaking components in each cycle, and the improvement of the students’ average scores after the researcher gave the treatment. 3) The students’ responses after being taught by using multidirectional information gap with jigsaw activities are good. It is indicated by the students’ answers in questionnaire. The students were confident to speak freely in the classroom.

A. Background of the Study
Language as a means of communication is very useful and flexible. It can
serve human needs in their communication in any situation. Using language
people can express almost anything such as thought, action, political
controversies, ideas, emotions, desires, messages, falsehoods, etc by means of
language (Srijono, 2001: 9). Language and life cannot be separated one from
another .
There are four skills of language learning namely listening, writing,
reading, and speaking. Speaking cannot be separated from other elements in
English teaching-learning process, because speaking influences the ability of
students in studying English language. In addition, by mastering speaking skill
people can carry out conversation with others, give their ideas, and exchange
the information with the other people. In this case, everyone should be able to
speak English to face the global era because the English language has become
an international language.
Speaking is one of the important and essential skills that needs a lot of
practice to communicate. By speaking people are able to know the kind of
situation happens in the world. People who have ability in speaking will
receive the information better. Language is not only taught and learned, but it
is used as a habit. Therefore student of English must be able to speak English
well because people identify the English mastery with their English speaking.
Speaking skill is emphasized to make them speak the componens of speaking,
such as grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation, fluency, and comprehension.
The way of teaching speaking is intended to give basic competence about the
language itself to the student. The teacher gives opportunity for the students
to express their idea in speaking class.
Many teachers teach student passively. They let the students only
memorize the vocabulary, ask the students to open the exercise book, read the
task, and then do the exercise. Then the teacher asks the students to write the
words without asking the student to use it in the communication. Hence some
students do not know the function of this language exercise. As a result, the
students are not interested in English learning process. They become passive
in English learning and they are not able to speak. Therefore, the English
teaching learning process is not effective.
Teaching speaking is not easy for several reasons. First, it relates to the
condition of students who lack of the vocabulary mastery. Second, they like to
use their native language more than English language in the teaching learning
process. Third, they rarely practice to use English to communicate. Fourth,
most of the students are not confident to speak English in speaking class,
especially in front of the class. The other problem related to the student is they
are not interested in the method given to them.
To make students able to speak, teacher must be creative enough to
manage the class so that the students are actively involved in the interaction.
Otherwise, there will be many problems appear in the teaching learning
process, as found by researcher when doing an observation at SMP N 1
Susukan. The first, the students are shy and bored of the traditional technique
implemented by the teacher. In addition, the teacher only gives one skill in
each meeting. The second, the student are not motivated to learn since they
have limited opportunity to express their idea. The third, the teacher only
gives materials, such as completing, reading dialogue, and written from hand
book. And the last, teacher gives less attention to each student especially in
big class.
Based on the interview, in SMP N 1 Susukan, the teacher has difficulties
to manage and to make the students interested in the material and the method.
During the teaching hours the teacher should make the students pay attention
to the materials given to them. It is a hard work for getting the students
attention. Lack of control also occurs when they teach in the large class.
Therefore, it is difficult to implement the individual control for each student.
The teacher in SMP N 1 Susukan teaches speaking using traditional method or
conventional way as an approach which offers an insight of gramatical rules
when the process of translating from the second language to the native
language is done, so that it is hard for the teacher to get the target of teaching
learning process. In the teaching learning activities, teacher as the central of
teaching learning process usually gives less chance to students for expressing
their idea. In addition, giving motivation is limited; commontly the teacher
just gives full attention to the material and neglects the student attraction. In
that situation, teaching learning process does not run well.
From the problems above, the researcher tries to give a solution for the
teacher to implement one of the teaching methods. There is a method of
teaching learning method which is interesting and it can improve students
ability and liveliness, that is multidirectional information gap with jigsaw
activities. This method is designed to create the students interest to learn with
pleasant method.
Based on the background above, the researcher is interested in conducting
a research entitled “Improving Speaking Skill Using Multidirectional
Information Gap with Jigsaw Activities at the 8th Year Students of SMP N 1
Susukan in 2008/2009 academic year”. Hopefully the result of this research
will improve the knowledge of teaching strategies for the teachers and also
give benefit to the education in this country. It is expected that the researcher
as a teacher will be able to motivate the students to learn the materials, pay
attention to the teachers lesson, and make them not to get bored.
B. Problem Statement
Based on the background of the study, the problems of the research are as
1. How is the process of teaching speaking using multidirectional
information gap with jigsaw activities to the SMP N 1 Susukan?
2. Does teaching speaking using multidirectional information gap with
jigsaw activities improve the students’ speaking skill?
3. How is the students response of teaching speaking using multidirectional
information gap with jigsaw activities?
C. Limitation of the Study
The research realizes that it is impossible to carry out research based on all
factors above. As a result the writer makes limitation of the study as follows:
1. The subject of this research is limited to the 8th year students of SMP N 1
Susukan in the school year 2008/2009.
2. The study is only focussed on the teaching speaking using multidirectional
information gap with jigsaw activities to the 8th year students of SMP N 1
Susukan in the school year 2008/2009.
D. Objective of the Study
Based on the problem statement mentioned above, the study aims to;
1. Describe the process of teaching speaking using multidirectional
information gap with jigsaw activities to the SMP N 1 Susukan.
2. Know whether teaching speaking using multidirectional information gap
with jigsaw activities is effective viewed from student achievement
3. Describe the student response of teaching speaking using multidirectional
information gap with jigsaw activities.
E. Benefit of the Study
There are two benefits of the study; they are theoretical benefit and
practical benefit.
1. Theoretical Benefits
a. This research will enrich the study on teaching speaking especially on
multidirectional information gap with jigsaw activities teaching.
b. The result of this research can be useful for english teacher in giving
additional input of the method of teaching speaking.
2. Practical Benefits
The result of the study will be beneficial to the students, teachers, and the
other researcher who are interested in improving teaching speaking,
especially on multidirectional information gap with jigsaw activities.
F. Research Paper Organization
The researcher organizes this research paper by dividing it into 5 chapters
in order to make it easily understood. Each of them is concerned with different
issues but it is related to each other.
The first chapter is introduction. It covers background of the study,
problem statement, limitation of the study, objective of the study, benefit of
the study, and previous study.
The second chapter is underlying theory, which consists of teaching
speaking, technique of teaching speaking, multidirectional information gap
and jigsaw activities.
The third chapter is research method. This chapter deals with type of
research subject of the research, object of the study, data and source of data,
method of collecting data, technique for analyzing data and research
The fourth chapter is research implementation and research result.
The fifth chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion.

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