Friday, April 22, 2011


Amawati, Dewi (2009)
In conducting the research, the researcher formulates the problem statement as follows: is there any significant difference in vocabulary mastery achievement between the students who use magazine article and the students who use storybook? In this research, the objective of the study is to identify whether there is a significant difference of student’s achievement in vocabulary mastery in the use of two different tools: magazine articles, and storybook. The data are taken from information test results, observation, teacher’s document, and questionnaire. The population in this study was the students of SMA Negeri 1 Baturetno in 2007/2008 academic year. The sample of this study was the year XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Baturetno in 2007/2008 academic year. To select the representative students from the population, she takes the technique called the purposive sampling. This research uses one shot case study and descriptive comparative research. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) There was a significant difference of student’s achievement in vocabulary especially synonym and antonym between using magazine article and storybook for the eleventh year of SMA Negeri 1 Baturetno in the academic year of 2007/2008, 2) The use of magazine article in teaching and improving students vocabulary especially synonym and antonym is more effective than storybook.

A. Background of the Study
People use language to express their mind, wishes, and ideas. Language
becomes a means of communication and is used by people to share ideas with
other people. Ramelan (1992:14) says:
“…the use of language enables the members of social group to
cooperate with one another for their own benefits. Language
has to be learned and used in social community, without which
the existence of language is beyond understanding.”
It is important learn foreign language, especially English language, since
it is used as a means of communication among nations in the world. Although
English is not language that has the largest number of native or ‘first’
language speakers, it is widely used by many people all over the world as their
‘second’ language (Harmer, 2001: 1). Another advantage of learning English
is that we will know the development of science and technology because most
of books, articles, journals of science are written in English.
In learning English, vocabulary is one of the important aspects of the
language. Voc abulary consists of the range of words that we can use in all
aspects of English language. By learning vocabulary, it will be easier to
express our ideas precisely. The learners cannot write anything in English
without knowing English vocabulary. Because it will help the students in
learning the other parts: structure, reading, and writing. Therefore it is
important for teachers to study the methods and techniques to improve
student’s vocabulary so that the students can learn English as effective as
In addition, without mastering vocabulary, some people cannot
communicate their ideas as clear as they would like to. Even they cannot grasp
the ideas as clear as they would like to and cannot catch the ideas transmitted
to them. Their listening, writing, speaking, and reading abilities are hampered
by their limited vocabulary. Therefore, vocabulary mastery is a necessity.
Concerning the importance of vocabulary, it should be taught to the
students. However, improving vocabulary is not an easy matter for the
teachers. Moreover, the teacher has to manage the teaching-learning process
well. He/ she should use appropriate teaching method, techniques, and media.
Teachers should be able to create or choose a technique or a media, which is
suitable for the students and can improve their skill. One of the ways to
develop vocabulary is by reading. Palmberg (1986: 15) says this approach, as
the name suggests deliberately restricted its primary aim to both intensive and
extensive reading skills in the foreign language, at the same time assigning a
central role the teaching of vocabulary.
Therefore as a teacher, one should motivate and guide the students in
mastering and learning vocabulary through reading. The reading materials can
be articles, advertisements, folktales, myths, fables, fairytales, legends, hero
tales, or short stories and some song lyrics that we can find in newspapers,
magazines, internet sites, and cassettes easily.
These ideas are reasonable, if the participant of the teacher-preparation
programs had received emphasis on vocabulary in the classroom. The students
who are satisfied in their vocabulary can improve their vocabulary by
themselves; it can be gained through experience. However, for an English
teacher who teaches adults, vocabulary teaching also invites notable reactions.
Some people believe that in learning a foreign language, teaching vocabulary
is in unlimited number.
In this research, the writer chooses the topic “Comparative Study on
Vocabulary Mastery between the Students Who Use Magazine Short Story
and the Students Who Use Storybook w ith Strip” for the following reasons:
1. Learning a language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary, which
forms the knowledge of meaning. The writer thinks that vocabulary is a
possible material that can be taught to students because it is an essential
means in conducting communication.
2. There are some teaching media available now, from the simplest one to the
more sophisticated for the students. Some of them are magazine short
story and storybook with strip that are familiar for the students.
3. Vocabulary items are essential to improve the four language skills
(speaking, listening, reading, and writing) of the students.
B. Limitation of the Study
The scope and setting of the research are necessary to limit, so that they
will be effective. In this research, the writer will also give limitation of the
The researcher will focus the research only in the vocabulary mastery
especially synonym and antonym from magazine short story and storybook
strip because it the most appropriate to this research. In learning synonym and
antonym the learners not only learn one word but they know two or more
words in the same meaning or the opposite meaning. It automatically increase
the students' vocabulary. Then compare it in order to get the result to answer
the problem statement.
C. Problem of the Study
In conducting the research, the researcher formulates the problem
statement as follow s:
Is there any significant difference in vocabulary mastery achievement
between the students who use magazine short story and the students who use
storybook w ith strip?
D. Objective of the Study
In this research, the objective of the study is to identify whether there is
a significant difference of student’s achievement in vocabulary mastery in the
use of two different tools: magazine short story, and storybook with strip.
E. Benefit of the Study
1. Theoretically
The finding of this research can enrich the theory of comparative study on
students’ vocabulary mastery using magazine short story and storybook
with strip.
2. Practically
This research gives a contribution to other researchers who are interested
in analyzing and investigating the learning strategies of high school
F. Research Paper Organization
This research paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter is
Introduction, covering the Background of the Study, Limitation of the Study,
Problem of the Study, Objective of the Study, Benefit of the Study and
Research Paper Organization.
The second chapter deals with theoretical approach used in analyzing
significant difference in vocabulary mastery achievement between the
students who use magazine short story and the students who use storybook
with strip. This chapter is covering the concept of vocabulary, Media in
teaching vocabulary, Definition of Magazine short story, Definition of
storybook wit h strip, and Concept of Synonym and Antonym.
The third chapter deals with the Research Method of the Research,
which includes Sources of Data, Subjects, Type of the Research, Statistical
Design, Variables, Instrument of the Research, Method of Collecting Data,
The Construction of the Test, and the Scoring System.
The fourth chapter is Result and Discussion, Consist of the analysis and
discussion about the comparative study on students’ vocabulary mastery in
English Teaching Learning Process and the Discussion of the Finding.
While the last, fifth chapter is conclusion and suggestion. This chapter
consists of the conclusion of the research and suggestion for further research.

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